A choice of Brookfield viscometers are available for simple, shear viscosity testing or measurements to historical standards (such as are prevalent within the paint / ink industries, adhesives & medical sectors). Gammadot utilise a RVDV-I+ digital viscometer (medium viscosity) and a LVDV-I+ digital viscometer (low viscosity). Along side the full standard RV and LV spindle sets, a UL Adaptor (Ultra Low Viscosity) coaxial cylinder system, S.S.A (small sample adapter) & standard hot melt coaxial cylinder arrangements with water & electrically heated jackets can also be used in conjunction with these viscometers providing the facility to derive accurate isothermal measurements of shear viscosity as a function of shear rate across a temperature range of ambient to 100°C (water circulator) & ambient to 350°C (electrically heated cell).